This is a Mini Jam 64 submission
If you wish to rate it you can go here :

Controls :

WASD / Left Joystick : Move (no need to change your keyboard layout theoretically)
Space / A / Cross : Jump
Mouse / Right Joystick : Move camera
Right click / Left Trigger : Aim !??!?

Browser version only :

Escape/Backspace : Regain mouse control
Click on Window : Give back mouse control to the game


Didn't turn out quite as I expected but I did learn a lot about coding a platforming character and game animation. You control a small bunny that carries his trusty carrot gun (which unfortunately doesn't fire any carrot, couldn't implement it). You can somewhat aim it.

While there is a sort of moon jump when jumping along edges, the physics turned out pretty nicely and would need minor changes and fixes for a full-fledged game.

I'm also very happy with how the character and his animations turned out as I feel it captures the aesthetic of Rare platformer games from the 64 era perfectly. This is particularly enhanced by the fact I actually made a faux-3-point filtering (the filtering system the N64 used) vertex-lit shader like many of these games used (albeit often a more archaic lighting system I believe). Have fun with my little experiment, I sure had creating it!

I hope to revisit it in the coming weeks, but I won't make any promise since I always thought I would come back to my Jam projects and never did yet. But things can change !

Oh there's also some occlusion culling bug going on with ProBuilder meshes. As far as I know this is not my fault. It can probably be fixed with tweaking but should work right out of the box, I will have to be careful if I ever decide to use it more fully.


Linux (rar) 19 MB
Linux (tar.gz) 23 MB
Mac OS X (rar) 17 MB
Mac OS X (tar.gz) 20 MB
Windows (64 bit) 17 MB
Windows (32 bit) 15 MB

Install instructions

Unpack the files anywhere you like. You can then run the game from withing the folder.

For Windows : Bunny Bean.exe
For Linux : Linux.x86_64
For Mac OS : I believe you run the .app directly (I don't own a Mac so I can't 100% confirm)


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Jumping feels a bit floaty and camera movement is way too sensitive. I really love the bunny model though

Yeah I wanted to add some sort of input to adjust that but I got neck deep in the IK and forgot :( As a result I also didn't fix the bug with gamepad camera controls ! Glad you like it :)


Interesting game... It's obviously just a tech demo but I really like the character design here!

The Banjo-Kazooie style eyes really spoke to me xP

Keep it up! :3

Raeally glad it did ! One of my objectives was really capturing that Rare artstyle ;)